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I kept my rosary on my window sill
as a reminder to say it before going to sleep.
I feel very fortunate that I learned to say it
at a young age.

The Life and
Writings of Rosie Gil

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See You in Heaven


"This book is more than a daughter's beautiful tribute to her
mother. I believe that the Catholic Church will recognize that this is
the story of a saint. A saint is a model Christian, someone who
shows us how to live the Christian life by actually living that life
herself, someone we can follow because she has followed Christ.
Rosie Gil's story is pure and simple but abundantly profound and
deeply moving. A true inspiration." 

-Dale Ahlquist
President, American Chesterton Society

"Rosie Gil did the ordinary service of love for her children and husband, in the most extraordinary way. The uniqueness of her labor of love could be explained due to her great love and respect for the Blessed Virgin Mary and above all, to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. By God's grace, I pray that one day Rosie could become the patron saint for homeschool families." 

-Father Jose Marie Viola OATH

"Rosie knew that motherhood was the highest vocation for a 
woman, and she gave all her heart to that vocation. The story of her life is a creative inspirational handbook for Christian mothers everywhere!

-Father Angelus Shaughnessy OFM Cap.

"In our darkened and wicked world, which destroys marriages, denigrated motherhood, and slaughters' children, we need a powerful witness like Rosie Gil, a loving wife and mother who raised her children with a self-sacrificial heart of true love"

-Joseph Pearce
Internationally renowned author,
lecturer and teacher.


Rosie's reflections on the Beauty of  Motherhood

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